At MHAG we're thrilled to have always been supported by theatre group Forthright (you may also know them as Jestaminute- and we want to help them as they embark on a crowdfunding project to get their fabulous mental health play The Gary and Robert Blues seen by even more people.
In their words, the play is
"A funny, angry and poignant story of one man using his creation of a new stand-up comedy act to find a path through his confused and damaged mind; and reconnect with the world. Trying to understand his own muddled thinking he looks at the irrational way in which society reacts to mental health issues. Inter cut with a blues music soundtrack, this powerful show is a mix of theatre and stand-up. This is the first in a trilogy of plays we are planning tackling different aspects of mental health.
Whilst we are obviously aiming to progress our artistic ambitions; the play is also important as it raises awareness of mental health issues – particularly those relating to men."
And in the words of their audiences:
".....Educational, emotional and very human..........Thought- provoking, myth-busting and highly recommended viewing." Laura Hughes Ember Counselling.
“pertinent and informative” Paul Milton, creative director at Everyman Theatre, Gloucester.
“.....the actor – Stephan Bessant – gave a brilliant performance which offered significant insights into the experience of mental illness for men.......” . Pam Morley, senior lecturer, Mental Health Division, Birmingham City University
To pledge your help or find out more, visit
And for their Facebook page, visit Forthright-997121107098344/? fref=ts
Thank you!